(540) 444-0025
Friends, family, and fun in the sun!
In order to open Stonegate this year, we are required to create a plan that meets the stipulations set forth by the Virginia Department of Health. Please pay careful attention to these guidelines so Stonegate is able to remain in compliance with Virginia's “Safer at Home-Phase 3” requirements for swimming pools.
Without member participation, cooperation, and understanding of these rules and requirements, the Department of Health will not allow us to continue operation. Therefore, members will be asked to sign a document stating they have read, understand, and agree to adhere to these regulations. We appreciate your cooperation in this. We can’t stay open without our wonderful Stonegate Family!
Targeted Opening Date
· Stonegate’s targeted opening date is Sunday, July 5, 2020.
Pool Hours
To start the season, Stonegate’s hours of operation will be:
· Monday-Saturday, 11 am - 8 pm
· Sunday, 1 pm - 8 pm
· Our plan is to remain open during the entirety of each shift; however, we may need to vacate the water occasionally to allow staff to clean shared surfaces and locations.
General Social Distancing Requirements
Pools are required by the Department of Health to maintain social distancing both in the water and on the grounds. Keeping appropriate social distancing from others applies to anyone who does not live within a person’s physical household. We understand that many people have “safe” families they have been interacting with during the past months. However, the Department of Health mandates pools during Phase 3 to require and enforce social distancing practices. Young children will need the assistance of parents, guardians, and older siblings to meet these expectations.
Entering and Exiting Stonegate
· To provide for social distancing, members will enter and exit Stonegate on different sides of the vestibule. The entrance and exit sides will be clearly marked.
· There will be times when members will need to wait to allow someone else to enter and exit before proceeding themselves. We thank you in advance for your patience in this matter.
· Each time they enter, members will complete a brief waiver/health survey stating they are well and have not been out of the country in the last 14 days.
· Members will be asked to use hand sanitizer as they enter the premises.
· Pens will be provided and sanitized after each use. However, we highly encourage members to provide their own.
· When leaving the pool property, members will check out with a staff member so their area may be cleaned
· Members are asked to wear face masks or face coverings when entering/exiting the premises, when interacting with a staff member, or when they are unable to follow social distancing guidelines.
Pool Capacity and Guests
Under Phase 3 guidelines, we will be allowed to operate at 75% capacity. This is great news for us as it means we will rarely, if ever, have to limit the number of members in attendance! Potentially, on some high capacity weekends we could be forced to operate on a first come first served issue.
To ensure we are able to comply with capacity limits, we are going to start the season not allowing guests. If you purchased a guest pass, a board member will be in contact with you. We will keep the topic of guests at the top of our list of items to revisit regularly throughout the season.
Babysitter Passes
· We will be able to continue honoring Babysitter passes.
· Please provide the names of babysitters in advance so they will not accidentally be considered guests.
Age Requirement
· More than ever, Stonegate will need the assistance of parents, guardians, and older siblings to monitor the behavior of younger children.
· Students under the age of 14 (13 and younger) will need to be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or older sibling.
· To meet social distancing requirements, the number of people allowed in the bathroom at one time will be limited.
· The use of bathroom showers will not be permitted.
· Bathrooms will be able to be used for changing clothes.
· Younger children will have to be accompanied.
Diving Boards
· All 3 diving board will be open.
· While waiting in line, divers will be required to comply with social distancing requirements and to assist with this, Stonegate will provide appropriate markings.
· Parents and guardians will need to help ensure that younger children are able to comply.
· The diving boards will close periodically at staff discretion for cleaning.
· If weather such as lightning forces us to vacate the pool deck, members will be asked to return to their cars, as Stonegate does not have a large enough meeting place for people to gather and still meet social distancing requirements.
· There will be no change to our normal practice of exiting the water for thunder but remaining on the grounds.
· As always, a limited number of tables, each with 4 chairs and an umbrella will be provided. However, we will ask members to not move chairs away from their assigned table.
· As members leave, tables, chairs, and umbrella handles will be cleaned.
· No chairs other than the 4 at each table will be provided to start the season, so we encourage members to bring your own and place them anywhere on the grounds that meets the social distancing requirements.
Toys/Tennis Courts/Grills
· Stonegate will be unable to provide toys or other materials that would be shared by patrons.
· Members can bring toys and other items from home and allow members of their household to use them; however, these items will not be able to be shared with other members.
· Floats, other than individual floats worn by young children, will not be permitted in the pool to start the season.
· Lost and found items will not be accessible to members. Members will be able to ask staff members to look for specific items belonging to them. These will be kept in the pump room.
· To start the season, the tennis courts will be locked. The courts may be unlocked for individual family members to use together; however, a parent or guardian must be present at all times.
· The grills will not be available to start the season.
· Stonegate is unable to host pool-wide parties to start the season due to the difficulty they present in meeting social distancing requirements.
· Water polo, or other pool wide games, are prohibited, but we will regularly revisit guidelines during the summer to allow, hopefully, more of our beloved traditions.
· Members will not be able to use Stonegate to host parties or gatherings on pool grounds at this time.
Snack Bar
· The snackbar will be open on a limited basis.
· Only prepackaged food and drink items will be available for purchase. This includes ice cream, candy, freeze pops, chips, gatorade, bottled water, lemonade and soda.
· We are unable to provide hot food or food prepared in the snack bar at this time.
· While bottled water will be sold, the Health Department will not allow us to fill personal water bottles or cups for members.
· Social distancing standards will be marked at the snack bar, parent/guardian assistance with younger children will be needed.
These guidelines are provided to aid in decreasing the spread of Covid-19 and protect the safety of our staff and our members. Throughout the summer we will continue to revise this plan to reflect the most up-to-date requirements of the Department of Health.
We realize life at the pool is going to look different and feel different for a period of time, but we are positive that together we can have another fun Stonegate Summer! Without your membership and support, Stonegate would not be able to survive this, so we thank you so much for your continued patience and understanding!
We look forward to seeing you soon,
The Stonegate Board of Directors